TOESR wants your photos and stories of Sheepie Fun to feature on this site. Show us how you and your four-legged friends have fun all year-round!


Happy sixth adoptiversary, Luke! - February 9
Happy third adoptiversary, Maggie! - February 4
Happy first adoptiversary, Mascha! - February 8
If you would like us to celebrate your dog's adoptiversary, please send us their adoption date and a picture to use. Then check back here during the week of their adoptiversary to see your dog's adoptiversary celebrated here at!
| Forsyth Veterinary Hospital | | Reidsville Veterinary Hospital | | Lawndale Veterinary Hospital | | Wake Veterinary Hospital | | | | 1-800-Save-A-Pet | | PetFinder | | Pets 911 | | US Humane Society | | HomeAgain ID | | | | Wigglebus | | Unchain Dogs | | The Animal Rescue Site | | Doo-ty Calls | | Pet Travel Center | | The Dog Talk Project | | Pet Friendly Housing | | Rescue-Info-Center | | Trendy Hounds Collars and Leashes |